Exclusive Cornet Barcelona Storybook

Uw bestelling wordt verzonden op 13/03/2025. Let op: onze kunstenaars maken onze kunstwerken één voor één met de hand. De hoeveelheden zijn dus echt beperkt en we hebben de neiging snel uitverkocht te zijn. Zodra we uitverkocht zijn, kan het 6-12 maanden duren voordat we nieuwe stukken ontvangen. Bestel nu terwijl er nog voorraad is.

Would you like to complete your order with the Exclusive Cornet Barcelona StoryBook?

Whether you are purchasing Cornet Barcelona glassware as a gift or for yourself…

This exclusive Storybook adds a magic touch to the whole experience.

And it’s perfect for those who’d like to know more about the inspiration behind their dazzling new glassware.


Because inside the +70 pages of this little book, you’ll discover:

Fascinating secrets about the historic city of Barcelona…

Fabulous places most tourists have never seen...

Unheard stories about Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi Cornet…

And little-known facts about its glorious Sagrada Familia Basilica - source of inspiration for our glassware collections.

All in all, it’s a one-of-a-kind guide to the wonders of Barcelona and a perfect complement to your new glassware…

Which is sure to delight those who love world travel, art, culture or history.

And quite frankly, who doesn’t? ;)

Let me tell you…

When you hold this little book in your hands and start turning its pages, you’ll marvel at the stories and pictures included.

And you’ll see why many customers already wrote in to say how this little book added yet more value to their gifts and delighted their recipients.

In fact, we’re so confident you’ll absolutely love this little book - that in the unlikely case you don't, we’ll issue you a refund right away (and we'll even let you keep the book!).